Thursday, March 29, 2007


I came home tonight (after a very long day at work) to find a mailbox bulging with bills, catalogs, sales fliers and a rather large package. It is from my Secret Pal! I love the card! Isn't that expression great? I had a hard time waiting to open each of the packages. This was like Christmas!

These items are so right on. You will note that the Dark Chocolate didn't stay intact for the photo shoot. Couldn't wait. Did I mention I had a long day at work? My Secret Pal also has some psychic abilities. Not only did she pick my favorite Dark Chocolate with Espresso, but somehow she knows that I have managed to lose my tape measure! This one is perfect because I can attach it to my knitting bag. There is also an adorable set of note cards with a journal and notebook and pen. Now I will be able to keep my knitting notes in something prettier than my wide-ruled notebook paper!
Additionally, she included treats for my dog, Mona. That is so sweet.
Thank you, Secret Pal. My work day may have been long and it might be after midnight here, but everything just seems so much nicer and brighter. (Better living thru Pals!)

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